A step-by-step guide to coaching using the LEGO® Serious Play® methodology

The LEGO® Serious Play® method is also used by coaches who want to empower their coachees to improve performance, set personal or professional goals or gain self-confidence to further their careers. 

Whatever the reason the coachee has entered a coaching relationship, there is no question that uncovering their deeper motivations and gaining self-insight will benefit them. 

The LEGO® Serious Play® method is a powerful way of kick-starting the process or stretching the coachee even further along their journey. 

Here’s why: 

  • The coach asks their coachee to build models that reflect their thinking, ideas and point of view.  The more the coachee builds and uses their hands, the deeper they explore their perspectives.  They gain momentum as they describe ideas and emotions that might not emerge through traditional style conversations. 
  • The coach is able to question parts of the model to elicit further details and explanations.  The coachee has something concrete to talk about to help them to clarify metaphorical notions that are not always easy to explain. 
  • The coachee also has an easier journey as they don’t feel that they are ‘on-the-spot’ and as they build they often surprise themselves with the new insights that emerge. 

To set the coaching session up using the LEGO® Serious Play® process: 

  • Ensure that you have a good surface that the coachee can work on easily – a normal table is good.  A chair on it’s own isn’t ideal. 
  • Place a variety of bricks on the table.  It’s best to order the LEGO® Serious Play® bricks from the LEGO® Home Store.
  • Prepare some questions in advance that you would like your coachee to build.   
  • Even if this is a one-on-one session, you still need to follow the LEGO Serious Play process.  No short-cuts!  To get the best results, you need to ensure that your coachee has a gentle introduction and is able to move into metaphorical thinking. 

To learn more about how to use the LEGO Serious Play methodology and to gain your certificate as a LEGO Serious Play facilitator, enrol here.

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