Reimagining Education with LEGO® Serious Play® 

Welcome to the fascinating world of LEGO® Serious Play®, a methodology that is transforming the learning landscape in universities, colleges, and schools. 

When we think of LEGO® bricks, many of us conjure up childhood memories of constructing elaborate buildings, vehicles, or maybe even an entire city. But did you know that these same LEGO® bricks are also paving the way for a revolutionary approach to education? 

The LEGO® Serious Play® method: The New Trend in Education 

In a world that is increasingly valuing creativity and innovative thinking, the LEGO® Serious Play® method is a natural fit. By blending tactile learning with cognitive development, it enhances student engagement, fosters creative thinking, and encourages problem-solving. 

The LEGO® Serious Play® process is not merely about constructing models. It’s about constructing knowledge and understanding. 

And the great news is that you too can participate in training to gain the skills you need to implement the process in your own College or University. 

How does The LEGO® Serious Play® process work in practice? 

The LEGO® Serious Play® methodology is a powerful technique to empower effective communication and resolution of problems. It’s a process to build better, quicker decisions that promote higher engagement in meetings and unlock the creative potential of everyone involved.  

Why’s it so great? 

  • This tool requires the use of LEGO® blocks to build 3D images, creating an interactive language that enables 100% participation from all involved. 
  • The LEGO® Serious Play methodology initially directs stakeholders to design their own solution with individual LEGO pieces.  
  • Teams then work together to refine this solution further. Merging individual visions together creates an iterative process at the beginning that allows quick decision-making while still allowing for comprehensive consideration of all options. 
  • Throughout the process, teams are encouraged to share ideas and move away from traditional ways of problem-solving by challenging traditional discourse in order to come up with innovative solutions.  
  • By providing hands-on action, team members become more attentive while simultaneously increasing collaborative efforts between stakeholders. 
  • This immediacy leads to shared understanding and more productive problem solving initiatives through cohesive teamwork among peers. 

How do Universities make use of the LEGO® Serious Play® method? 

Universities around the world are rapidly adopting the LEGO® Serious Play® method. From student inductions to career planning, this innovative method is making waves. 

Here are some examples: 

  • During induction, new students build models representing their expectations and fears.  This helps to open discussions.  New students are able to meet others in their cohort in an atmosphere that removes stress and is more inviting.  Students form stronger relationships with those in their class and that in turn leads to easier ways of supporting each other. 
  • This creative approach extends to career planning. Students construct models depicting their skills, ambitions, and potential obstacles.  This is part of fostering a clear, creative exploration of their future.  The students build it, talk about it, listen to others discuss it and reflect on it.  They surprise themselves by what they see for themselves.  This could form the basis for further coaching around career direction. 
  • The LEGO® Serious Play® method has proven to be a fantastic tool for team building and personal development. Students work together on projects, constructing their ideas in LEGO while gaining valuable collaborative skills. It’s not just about the final model; it’s about the process of communication, negotiation, and creative thinking that occurs during its creation. 
  • The method is also used as a way of reflecting on topics.  For example, if the group is exploring concepts such as empathy or integrity, these intangible topics are best explored by using the manipulative of the brick as a metaphor for the conversation.  The discussion goes far deeper than would have happened by a purely verbal conversation. 
  • Introducing the LEGO® Serious Play® process in colleges or business schools is like sowing seeds for future innovation. The students learn to articulate their thoughts visually and verbally, enhancing their ability to learn and understand complex concepts. This all happens through the power of the brick! 

What are the Success Stories for University Teams and their Impact in Education? 

Educational institutions employing various LEGO® Serious Play® applications have reported significant improvements in student engagement, connections and understanding. 

For instance, a university in Denmark witnessed increased student participation and idea generation during induction when they introduced LEGO® Serious Play®. Similarly, a high school in the US found that using this method improved students’ understanding of science concepts by making the learning process more interactive and less abstract. 

There are numerous Community Colleges and Business Schools who also make use of the process to bring a point of difference into what they do.  There is no doubt that students are attracted to the bricks themselves and this sets an open and inviting tone in the room. 

For a detailed case study, refer to our article about how we introduced the LEGO® Serious Play® method into Virginia Commonwealth University, USA: 

Why Use the Method in your College or University? 

LEGO® Serious Play® is more than an innovative teaching method; it’s a means to develop the creators, innovators, and leaders of tomorrow. As universities, colleges, and schools continue to explore this approach, we can expect a seismic shift in how students learn, understand, and express their ideas. LEGO® Serious Play® is not just redefining how we teach – it’s redefining how we learn. 

Remember, the goal isn’t to build the most impressive LEGO® structure – it’s to build impressive minds, one brick at a time. 

Why complete a Facilitator Training Program to use the LEGO® Serious Play® method? 

Unlock your true creative potential as a trainer / facilitator / lecturer with the ground-breaking method! This interactive and collaborative approach harnesses the power of storytelling, play, and facilitated discussion to generate innovative solutions to any challenge.  

Become a highly skilled facilitator, trainer or lecturer through our training options – all of which provide ongoing support in this transformative methodology. 

  • Develop your full potential in facilitating diverse workshops with our full level training program!  
  • Delve into theoretical knowledge and gain intensive practical experience with access to expert-developed training materials complete with best practices, step-by-step instructions and reflection tips.   
  • There’s also videos of live training in action to ensure that your training experience is complete. 

Our support team offers personalized advice on techniques and troubleshooting during your training program, giving you the freedom to craft the perfect workshop for your clients’ needs in any context. 

Become an accomplished facilitator / trainer and let your creativity shine!  Let’s build something amazing together! 

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